Sunday 28 February 2010

Artmaster Studio Miniatures

Hi guys, we have just painted our new range of 28mm miniatures, these are hot out of the mould! and we thought we'd share with you.

Pre order here

Cheack out the video of them here

Tuesday 16 February 2010

ECW Manufacturer Comparison


Today we have been comparing various manufacturers ECW ranges for our ongoing ECW project. In particular we have been experimenting mixing Redoubt riders on Bicorne and Assault group horses. I feel they mix fairly well. We also found out Bicorne riders go nicely on varying horses. It seems Assault group and Bicorne horses are fundamentally the same. Perhaps sculpted by the same person.


Secondly there is a comparison shot of infantry from various makes showing size and build differences between them.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Vallejo Triads

Hello all.

I have finally got around to listing my favourite home made vallejo triads. Some colours are from panzer aces series but most are Model colour.

Any questions please leave a comment below!

I hope you find them useful!

Shadows Flesh
Flesh base
Flat flesh

Black Red
RED 033
RED 029

Dark Grey
London grey
Light Grey

US Feild drab
Golden brown
Golden Yellow

US Feild Drab
Green ochre

Burnt Umber
English uniform
Khaki grey

Yellow ochre
Flat yellow
Light yellow

Tan Yellow
Pale sand

German cam orange brown
Tan yellow

Flat earth
Light brown
Beige red

Burnt umber
US feild drab
Green ochre

Germ camo dark green
Reflective green
Russian uniform WWII

Andrea blue
Deep sky blue
Sky blue

US feild drab
Highlight afrika korps
Deck tan

Black green
Flat green
German camo bright green

Germ camo black brown
Flat brown
Mahogany brown

Feild blue
Grey blue
Pastel blue

Us feild drab
Green ochre
Iraqian sand

Lufftwaffe uniform WWII
Dark blue grey
Pastel blue

Germ dark green
Russian uniform WWII

Tan Earth
Iraqian sand
Pale sand

Light grey
White grey

RED 033
RED 029
Orange red

Splinter blotches
biege brown
Brown sand

Dark rust
Leather belt
New wood

Orange red
Light orange

Germ camo medium brown
English uniform
Khaki grey

Highlight US Tank crew

German dark green
Olive grey
Italian Tank crew

German grey
Basalt grey
Neutral grey

US olive drab
German tank crew WWII
Green grey

Friday 5 February 2010

Empire Captain

Here are some pre base pictures of the latest Artmaster Vision figure.
